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Team spirit represents an emotional commitment from team members. It not only reflects the fact that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, it also represents a real feeling that everyone is a link in the chain, and that everyone must work as a team to contribute to the success of the company and improve work performance. Your priority as an employer should be to improve work performance among your staff and ensure a great working atmosphere that people want to work in.

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Team spirit is very important in any area of life because it creates the unity of a group and makes everyone want to excel for the well-being of this group and improve work performance. A good team spirit makes it possible to move past the inevitable personality clashes in order to work towards the common goal of the team. Its absence, however, can seriously slow down a project, despite perfect organization or careful planning. Whatever the characteristics or the temperament of the members, everyone can work in team and improve work performance. Here are some ways to boost team spirit from a managerial point of view and improve work performance:

1. Appreciation and Encouragement

When employees are motivated by a good team spirit, they create a dynamic based on the reliability of each member and the cohesion of the group which makes everyone aware of the place of each person in the team, the usefulness of everyone’s functions and thus be more productive in their missions. This helps to improve work performance.

It’s a way to improve work performance. As a manager, one of the ways to strengthen team spirit within a company and motivate your employees would be to first recognize and appreciate their efforts, for example during an informal interview, an individual professional interview or even in writing. Secondly, encourage them to continue their contribution to obtain better results by suggesting ways to improve work performance. Numerous studies show that recognition and encouragement are powerful motivators for employees and help to improve productivity in the workplace. 

2. Allow Team Members to Express Themselves

Certain types of management can sometimes generate reluctance among employees to express ideas or disagreements to members of their team or management. But it is essential that a manager encourages and stimulates the creativity of its teams by reassuring them that all ideas, especially during brainstorming sessions or meetings to solve a particular problem, should be put forward. Many people are too shy to express themselves and give their opinion in front of others for fear of ridicule, especially if the idea is not mainstream. But innovative answers can sometimes be found in the wildest or most insane ideas and can improve work performance.

3. Resolve Personality Clashes

Working daily in a team is not easy. There are always times when even the best team suffers from a small misunderstanding or personality clash. Team members should discuss the issues so as to prevent them from becoming a real problem. In reference to Marshall B. Rosenberg’s theory of “non-violent communication,” the four stages of NVC (Observation, Feelings, Needs, and Request) offer a means of verbal communication for conflict resolution. It is based on the principle that by adopting the “I” instead of the “you” and by expressing feelings and needs rather than accusations and value judgments, conflicts can be resolved easier and solutions that all members want to commit to found.

Therefore, to resolve personality clashes, continuous and free communication is often a good idea. It effectively and durably improves group cohesion and pushes members to improve work performance.

4. Win as a Group Not as an Individual

For personalities with strong individualistic tendencies, it is sometimes difficult to conceive the idea that the group’s victory counts more than one’s own personal victory. The need for recognition is sometimes so powerful that it can overwhelm team spirit and lead to ego-driven mission management more than the desire for optimal fulfillment. Establishing qualitative goals and a form of a collective bonus can sometimes motivate the team to collaborate more collectively. 

5. Delegate Responsibility and Give Out Authority

You need to show your employees that you trust them and even allow them to make mistakes as a learning method. You also need to show them that you support their decisions and as a result, improve work performance. How do you do this? By giving them more responsibility. Make sure you do not give inconsistent messages by, for example, asking them to handle a problem or project and then criticizing it and giving negative feedback, which leads to you giving them less projects or none at all. This is unmotivating for them. So give them the responsibility of a project or assignment and the authority to make executive decisions on it and therefore prove your trust in them. This should push them to improve work performance as they strive to show they can succeed.

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