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professional growth of employees

Professional growth is one of the most important needs of your employees. If they are not satisfied with their job, there is a risk they will become bored and demotivated. This will lead to a drop in productivity, a high absenteeism rate and sometimes an increase in the turnover rate. Promoting professional growth and maintaining a good quality of work life for them will help to motivate and retain top talent.

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5 Tips to Improve the Quality of Work Life for Employees


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Employee Burnout

In recent years, human resources professionals have been talking more and more about the concept of “quality of life at work” which in terms of the professional growth of employees, is the idea to combat the burnout of employees in the workplace.

In fact, currently in Europe, 1 out of 2 cases of absenteeism is caused by chronic stress, not to mention the effects of presenteeism: the practice of coming to work despite illness, injury, or anxiety. 

The concept of quality of life is thus at the center of the actions carried out by HR managers who see the fight against burnout as a real problem worth eliminatingBut faced with the new demands of work and the arrival of new generations on the market, how can we increase the professional growth of our employees without going overboard?

What is Professional Growth?

Promoting professional growth should be a part of your talent management. But what is professional growth, really? At the moment there is no real definition of this concept of quality of life at work. It has been defined as a feeling of well-being at work perceived both collectively and individually and which encompasses several determining factors such as:

The quality of social and working relationships: includes recognition of the good work carried out by employees, respect, access to relevant information, communication, and participation in business decisions.

  • The quality of the work: the employee must have a certain autonomy, varied tasks, and responsibilities.
  • The quality of the physical environment: a sense of security must be present as well as a pleasant physical environment conducive to personal development.
  • The quality of the organization of work: good managers must be supportive and know how to initiate progress initiatives that are favorable not only for employees but also for the company.
  • The possibilities of professional growth: the implementation of training plans, validation of acquired experience in order to develop the skills of employees, and an increase in their sense of professional fulfillment.
  • Reconciling work and private life:  flexible working hours and pace of work, and access to quality services.

Professional growth is vital for keeping employees interested in the job and company. When there is no hope of growth at work, employees stop doing their very best and often just do the minimum. Make professional growth one of your priorities.

Incorporating regular feedback mechanisms is crucial for fostering professional growth. By establishing a structured process for both giving and receiving feedback, companies can ensure that employees not only understand their current performance but also recognize opportunities for personal and professional development.

This transparency helps in aligning individual goals with organizational objectives, thereby creating a motivated workforce that sees clear paths for career advancement. Regular, constructive feedback can transform potential stagnation into dynamic growth, keeping employees engaged and dedicated to their roles.

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5 Tips to Improve the Quality of Work Life for Employees


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